best foods for iron

    Do you consume enough iron each day? The likelihood is that the majority of us aren’t. For growth and development, our bodies require iron since it is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout our body as a part of red blood cells 1. Additionally, iron helps shield your body from infection and helps avoid anemia too. Fatigue is one of the signs of anemia, which is brought on by iron deficiency. Women who are menstruating and don’t eat meals high in iron are particularly at risk for a deficit too. For those people, there is no better alternative to functional foods designed for balancing out this iron deficiency. And in this article, we will explain why these innovative foods perform much better than conventional supplements in both iron assimilation and absorption.

    We’ll tell you some simple methods to add this nutritional powerhouse to your diet if you haven’t been eating foods high in iron yet. Feel free to explore our innovative functional foods that are very tasty, nutritious, and effective.

    6 Best Foods for Iron Deficiency that Work

    1. Pomegranate

    Protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C are all abundant in pomegranates. Pomegranate is strongly advised for anaemia even though there are many other fruits with greater iron content. This is due to the pomegranate’s high vitamin C content and its overall synergistic behavior.

    Most of the time, just 3% of the iron we ingest is absorbed by our bodies. This is because iron is not easily absorbed by our gut. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for iron metabolism. This helps our bodies absorb the iron that is contained in the fruit as vitamin C. Pomegranate eating on a regular basis aids in reducing anemia and raising hemoglobin levels.

    However, keep in mind that you should avoid consuming pomegranate with certain other foods. Compounds in chocolate, spinach, tea, coffee, and alcohol prevent the absorption of iron. For maximum iron absorption, keep at least a 30-minute delay between these foods and pomegranate eating.

    Why Pomegranate Works Great on Iron Deficiency Anemia and How it May Help You?

    Various studies have related the use of pomegranate juice to high iron bioabsorption and bioavailability. But why is the pomegranate regarded as one of the best foods for treating any potential iron deficiency? Among the most recent studies, the work by S. P. Balasubramani et al.2, shows that the pomegranate juice has the ability to enhance iron dialysability, uptake and assimilation. The results obtained through in vitro tests are comparable to the in vivo assays and clinical observations to determine iron bioavailability. The increase in the iron bioavailability in the presence of pomegranate juice is not just because of its AA content. Other organic acids, sugars, and polyphenols present in pomegranate juice might as well have a role in the modulation of iron bioavailability.

    Iron assimilation into cells was measured in terms of the cellular ferritin content. The pomegranate juice (containing ~13 mg/100 ml natural ascorbic acid equivalent) increased the dialysability of iron by >3 fold when compared to control in the cell free model. An equivalent concentration of ascorbic acid alone increased it only by 1.6-fold. Additionally, the pomegranate juice increased the iron uptake in Caco2 cells by ~6-fold and ferritin content by 30% when compared to the ascorbic acid control. Similarly, the iron uptake in HepG2 cells increased by ~3 fold and iron assimilation by about 50%. This study establishes a scientific evidence for Ayurveda’s claim of using pomegranate in the management of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) by facilitating iron absorption and assimilation. It provides a simple solution for addressing the global problem of IDA.

    The synergistic action of multiple phytochemicals, over and above ascorbic acid, in pomegranate juice may be responsible for improving iron bioavailability. In this respect, this is what precisely sets apart a natural synergistic formula from a synthetic one; read more on natural vs synthetic ingredients. Our products are 100% on natural ingredients and bioactive compounds working synergistically, and this is why they work great when it comes to better iron assimilation and absorption.

    2. Spinach

    best foods for iron

    Despite having relatively few calories, spinach has a number of health advantages. In accordance with the Department of U.S. Agriculture, fresh, raw spinach has 2.7 mg of iron per 100 grams, or 15% of the NRV 3. Although spinach contains non-heme iron, which is not ultimately absorbed, it is also a good source of vitamin C. This is critical because vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of iron 4. The antioxidants known as carotenoids, which are abundant in spinach, may lower your chance of developing cancer, reduce inflammation, and shield your eye vision as well 5 6. The antioxidants known as carotenoids, which are abundant in spinach, may lower your chance of developing cancer, reduce inflammation, and shield your eyes from illness 7. Make sure to consume the healthiest fat in the world, i.e. high phenolic olive oil, along with your spinach since your body absorbs carotenoids better when you eat spinach and other leafy greens together with fat, plus you get to receive all benefits from the tremendous bioactive substances found in our medicinal olive oil.

    MILESTONE® Tip: Make a fresh raw salad with spinash and othery leafy greens. Add 10 ml of our fermented pomegranate concentrate and 10ml of our high phenolic olive oil. You’ ve got it all, by sky-rocketing the iron absorption process + you receive the synergistic benefits of our unique functional formulas.

    3. Legumes

    best foods for iron

    For vegans in particular, legumes are a fantastic source of iron. Legumes help lower inflammation in diabetics and may reduce their risk of heart disease to those who have metabolic syndrome, according to research 8 9. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 198 grams of cooked lentils contain 6.6 mg, or 37% of the necessary NRV. Your iron intake may be readily increased by eating beans (black beans, navy beans), chickpeas, peas, and soybeans. They’ re also a great source of folate and magnesium. Consume legumes together with meals strong in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, to increase iron absorption. Combine it ideally with high phenolic olive oil that works synergistically with lycopene. Lycopene is the strongest in vitro antioxidant among the carotenoids 10.

    4. Pumpkin Seeds

    Pumpkin seeds have a 2.5 mg iron content per 1-ounce (28-gram) serving, or 14% of the NRV. So they are a very valuable source of iron. Several health advantages of pumpkin seeds have been reported in the literature. These include diabetes, depression, enhanced prostate health, increased heart health, and defense against certain malignancies 11 12.

    5. Quinoa

    Quinoa is a fantastic option for those who cannot eat gluten because it is gluten-free. In accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2.8 mg of iron, or 16% of the DV, are found in one cup (185 grams) of quinoa. Quinoa seeds possess great antioxidant benefits, they’re rich in folate, magnesium, copper, and many other nutrients.

    6. Brocolli

    You can never say enough about the tremendous health benefits of broccoli. Broccoli, if combined with the right side foods it truly serves as a paradigm of functional nutrition. About 156-grams of broccoli contain 1 mg of iron, which is 6% of the NRV. Glucosinolates, indole, and sulforaphane are plant chemicals found in broccoli that are thought to prevent cancer. This is why broccoli has been linked to cancer prevention more than possibly any other vegetable out there 13 14.

    MILESTONE® Tip: Steam your broccoli but don’t overdo it! Drizzle 10ml of our Pomegranate Concentrate with B12 & Iron together with our High Phenolic Olive Oil + Vitamin D3 from algae. Also, rich in natural polyphenols, ALA (Omega 3), Oleic Acid (Omega 9), and Linoleic Acid (Omega 6). You’ve just created one of the best healthiest foods for treating any potential iron deficiency.

    Choose our Synergistic Functional Foods for Iron Instead of Supplements

    At MILESTONE® we offer you the best natural and synergistic functional foods for treating iron deficiency in the world, that also contain Potassium; another great mineral to look for. But this is not it. Our awarded pomegranate functional food range is responsible for bringing some of the best synergistic action of bioactive substances, polyphenols, and enzymes that cannot be found in common supplements. If you want to know more, go ahead and read our article: Foods for Iron as Opposed to Iron Supplements.

    We have designed 3 unique functional food formulas that will cover all your daily nutrient needs + naturally solve your possible deficiencies. Feel free to discover our Fermented Pomegranate Concentrate + Vegan Calcium and Potassium, having the highest concentration of potassium, is naturally enriched in calcium, and iron. Alternatively, you may consider our Pomegranate Concentrate with Vegan Vitamin B12 energy food. A lack of vitamin B12 can result in tiredness and irritability. Finally, our  Pomegranate Concentrate with Vegan Curcumin + Vitamin D3 offers unmatched immune support and anti-inflammatory properties. As these products are biofunctional, incorporating them into your everyday routine is easy and doable.


    Iron can be better absorbed when received from foods than supplements. At MILESTONE® we design foods for iron deficiency with many more health-beneficial attributes. They may safeguard heart health, boost cognitive performance, and reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases.

    A Word From MILESTONE®

    MILESTONE® Food for your Genes uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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    2. Pomegranate Juice Enhances Healthy Lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster: An Exploratory Study[]
    3. Department of U.S. Agriculture FoodData Central[]
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