Beyond Organic Farming

Biodynamic farming is a branch of organic agriculture. But it goes much further than that. The biodynamic method seeks to support and preserve the complex interrelationships between soils, plants, and animals in a natural and holistic manner.

Rudolf Steiner is credited with developing this method of farming, in response to the issues of soil, crop, and livestock health. This unique approach to food production takes environmental and ethical considerations into account when determining how to grow our food.

The aim of biodynamic farming is to restore, maintain, and enhance the harmony within the ecology that surrounds us. The emphasis is on healing the soil and helping to replenish balance while creating produce that is healthy and nourishing…. Not only that, the methods of farming should help preserve the wildlife, natural habitats and other plant biodiversity in the region.

Whereas other forms of sustainable agriculture are primarily concerned with producing food sustainably, biodynamic farming aspires to be transformative and seeks to maximize health and vitality. It thus constantly strives to embrace all life’s processes, to understand them better, and to improve the way we farm through an ongoing dialogue with Nature. For biodynamics, farming is not a means to maximum production, but an ongoing dialogue with Nature. We consider the land we steward to be an ecological web of biodiversity; our role is to nurture this and help it reach its full potential, whilst balancing the needs of farming and growing with those of the natural world.

Crop diversification is one of the key features of this type of farming. This requires the farmer to grow diverse or different crops in the region rather than concentrating on just one crop which could lead to depletion of soil nutrients….

Biodynamic farming eschews chemical soil treatments and off-farm inputs as far as possible. The idea is to use green manure, biodynamic preparations and practices such as livestock integration. Insect and disease control methods used should also be sourced from within the farm to the extent possible….

…Water conservation and biodynamic feed for livestock are other key features of this approach to farming.

Benefits of MILESTONE® Farming

At MILESTONE® we do everything to disseminate the necessity of healthy organic produce and the prevention of soil and waterways pollution. Through systematic research we have found that our farming practices are able to withstand environmental challenges more effectively while improving energy efficiency, soil health, nutrient concentration in the seeds and our overall health. Discover more about us and how we contribute to the protection of our planet.


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