vitamin d3 foods

In recent years, more and more people are searching for more natural and alternative ways to build their health, and functional foods with Vitamin D3 are among the best ways to naturally boost levels of this essential hormone in the body. Having healthy levels of Vitamin D3 within the body can contribute to a myriad of health benefits that you simply cannot ignore. It can enter the membrane of cells in the body and positively influence various cell functions. In fact, you will be blown away to know more about the effect of vitamin D3 foods in almost every tissue and organ in the body.

Most Important Body Functions of Vitamin D3 Rich Foods

In order to realize its full potential as an important immune modulator and vital nutrient in the body, Vitamin D3 needs to be well metabolized and converted into a form that can be readily absorbed and assimilated by the body.  At MILESTONE®, we strongly believe that receiving Vitamin D3 and its benefits from vegan functional foods surpasses that of tablets and pills. In this article, we seek to highlight the various ways in which Vitamin D3 can impact you and thus motivate you to buy foods with vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3: The Perfect Food for Brain

Having healthy Vitamin D3 levels can improve the quality of our sleep as it directly helps with the regulation of our body’s circadian rhythm by entering the sleep center of the brain which is known as the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN).  As such, there have been studies suggesting that it can be beneficial to take Vitamin D3 before bed.  When there is a deficiency, we may start experiencing sleep apnea, insomnia, and getting up in the middle of the night due to increased cortisol levels in the body brought on by stress. Furthermore, Vitamin D3 also has a major influence on the cognitive part of the brain which helps in terms of memory, focus, and concentration. For people who suffer from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Dementia, there is always a deficiency in Vitamin D3. In terms of mood, taking Vitamin D3 can also be helpful for those coping with anxiety and depression 1 2 3 4.

Hair Growth and Vitamin D3 Rich Foods

For those of us who are deficient in Vitamin D3, our hair can be dry, brittle and you are not going to produce enough follicles as hair growth is very much dependent on Vitamin D3. may have early greying and experience hair loss due to stress conditions, hair loss during menopause or develop an autoimmune disease known as alopecia areata which causes patches of hair to fall out. So, if you can control the inflammation, the disease can be controlled.  Also, the scalp of your hair makes you more predisposed to psoriasis when there is a lack of Vitamin D3 5 6.

Foods for Healthy Skin

Those who have inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, eczema dermatitis and vitiligo which is the whitening or lack of pigment of the skin are always low on Vitamin D3 and a greater deficiency can increase the risk of getting melanoma, a form of skin cancer 7.

Vitamin D3: The Ultimate Immune Food

We need Vitamin D3 for the immune system. The thymus gland which is at the top of the heart is like a training camp for T cells and as you age, the thymus gland shrinks and so does your immune system. The thymus gland desperately needs Vitamin D3 to help virtually every part of your immune system such as the B cells, T cells, the innate (which you are born with) and acquired immune system. Vitamin D3 also helps to control the cytokine storm, prevent certain autoimmune diseases from developing and  control cell attack, where the latte is involved in autoimmune disorders, by playing the vital role of immune modulator. In this way, Vitamin D3 helps buffer an overreactive immune system which is why it is good for allergies as well, keeps viruses in check and decreases the risk of getting viral infection 8. Finally, all the sinuses have Vitamin D receptors and the presence of these receptors in the nose is to protect you against viruses that enter through the nasal passage. And so, when there is a deficiency in Vitamin D3, you are more likely to have stuffy nose and sinusitis.

Feed your Eyes with Vitamin D3

For those susceptible to getting cataracts, Vitamin D3 has been shown to be able to slow down that process. Furthermore, Vitamin D3 deficiency has been associated with macular degeneration, glaucoma and especially dry eyes 9.

Vitamin D3 Foods and Thyroid Function

It is located on your neck, about 2.5 inches wide. The most common thyroid condition is Hashimoto’s, accounting for 90% of all hypothyroid condition which is autoimmune. Vitamin D3 is the best natural remedy for autoimmune as it drops inflammation and even if there is an absence of inflammation, when you have any form of autoimmune disease where the body is attacking itself, complications or side effects will be minimal. Body is attacking itself when u have autoimmune. Both Hashimoto’s (Hypothyroid) and Graves’ disease (Hyperthyroid) which are autoimmune diseases will benefit greatly from vitamin D 10 11.

Food for Strong Bones & Teeth

When there is a deficiency in Vitamin D3, the body is not going to be able to drive the calcium into the bone and teeth is bone made from calcium, so we need Vitamin D3 to regulate that calcium. As a child, if you are deficient in Vitamin D3 or even as a baby in your mother’s womb, you can develop all sorts of bone malformations early or even later in life. There can be problems with the maxillary bone, causing overbite or underbite and requiring the need for braces, have teeth that are crooked, or experiencing missing teeth. And it doesn’t just affect the teeth but the entire skeletal system where you can be more susceptible to getting scoliosis, an s curve of the spine, hunchback (kyphosis) or (lordosis), an exaggerated lower back curve or even flat feet and bowed legs which is rickets. To put it simply, without Vitamin D3, the bone is softer and malformed. This can be devastating for a child in terms of their appearance or self-esteem and in later years, when they resort to surgery, it can be traumatic. All this can be prevented if the mother takes in sufficient Vitamin D3 when she is pregnant and breastfeeding. Whole food prenatal is very important for both mother and baby to get the right and necessary nutrients 12.

Vitamin D3 can help with the joints as it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. It gets rid of the pain and is especially beneficial for people suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. With the daily intake of functional foods with vitamin D3, it can cause bone pain and lower back pain to greatly improve.

Lungs: Foods Enriched with Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is important for the lungs and can be beneficial for those who suffer from asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis. For any type of inflammatory condition in your lungs, Vitamin D3 should be at the top of the list. It keeps viruses in remission for lung infections and is beneficial in managing COPD and cancer of the lungs 13 14.

The Perfect Food for Muscles

Definitely in need of Vitamin D3 and if deficient, there is not going to be proper recovery after exercise, and you get muscle cramps easily. The reason is because Vitamin D3 helps control calcium and calcium is involved in the contraction and relaxation of muscles. As such, it may not be an electrolyte problem that causes muscle fatigue but one that stems from having insufficient Vitamin D3 to absorb calcium. It is useful to take magnesium with Vitamin D as they work together, and magnesium is also very useful for muscle physiology. So, to get rid of aches, cramps and weak muscles, Vitamin D3 is required 15 16.

Suitability as a Pancreas Food

The cells that make insulin called the islets of Langerhans require Vitamin D3 to make insulin and if you are deficient in Vitamin D3, your body can be susceptible to an autoimmune disease like type 1 diabetes. In this case,  Vitamin D3 d is very important for keeping inflammation as low as possible 17 18 19.

An Excellent Food for Heart

Huge association between coronary heart disease and low levels of Vitamin D3. It helps keep inflammation low inside coronary arteries and can also help to decrease high blood pressure. So, if you have high blood pressure, it is highly likely that you are deficient in Vitamin D3 and if you can keep your blood pressure in check, you decrease your risk of getting a stroke or other cardiovascular related problems 20 21.

Vitamin D3 Deficiency and Liver Disease

Without sufficient levels of Vitamin D3 d, your risk of getting insulin resistance goes higher. Many people have insulin resistance and insulin helps absorb other nutrients especially calcium. There is also a high association between low levels of Vitamin D3 with fatty liver. If you have inflammation in the liver such as hepatitis, you must consume Vitamin D3 as you are most likely to have low Vitamin D3 levels in the body 22 23.

The Kidney Vitamin

Susceptible to getting stones if you are low in Vitamin D3 as the kidneys is one of the last stops for the conversion of Vitamin D3 24. If there is any form of kidney damage, it will not be able to convert the D Vitamin from an inactive to an active form 25.

Vitamin D3 Foods and the Host-Gut Microbiome

So many people have irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and  diverticulitis.   Any inflammation in the gut can be improved with Vitamin D3. If the inflammation continues in the gut, it can lead to leaky gut syndrome where gaps form in the intestines and you start developing autoimmune diseases, allergies, and sensitivities to different things both in terms of food and the environment 26 27.


It is important to buy Vitamin D3 Foods and consume them daily. Our High Phenolic Olive Oil with vitamin D3 from algae is among our best and most concentrated forms. In this way, your body will be building up Vitamin D levels in a healthy and sustainable manner. Prevention is always better than cure and so it is necessary to take steps to enhance our overall health in the long term with the right Vitamin D3 Rich Foods. As shown in the above article, there are so many health benefits for literally every tissue and organ in our body associated with the daily intake of vitamin D3 that you can’t ignore. At MILESTONE® we research and develop the most innovative functional foods for vitamin D3 deficiencies. Vitamin D3 has a great anti-inflammatory response, boosts the immune system, supports brain function, promotes bone health, and is essential for kid development. So, if you are ready to dive into the world of functional foods, feel free to navigate to our corresponding foods for the immune category and discover the benefits of our functional foods for vitamin D3 deficiencies.


MILESTONE® Food for your Genes uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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  24. National Kidney Foundation[]
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