EPA and DHA in fish come from algae
Smaller fish eat it, and it travels up the food chain from there
This is why algae are considered the primary source of omega-3 fatty acids in the aquatic food chain
Algae Health Benefits
Heart Function
Recent studies have demonstrated that edible algae can be an effective natural product for improving blood lipid profiles and for preventing inflammation and oxidative stress. Algae contain bioactive components, namely, carotenoids, polyphenols, EPA, DHA, fibers, and plant sterols, which can be beneficial for preventing heart diseases1 2.
Brain Function
Algae has the potential to improve your cognitive performance naturally. Its compounds provide neuroprotection against a wide range of neurotoxic stimuli, as seen in numerous preclinical studies3. In a new study, omega-3 supplementation improved cognition and modified brain activation in young adults4.
Immune System
Algae is an alternative to antibiotics that stimulates the immune response. Compounds made from microalgae have demonstrated a number of characteristics, including anticancer, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory5.
Omega-3s may prevent the action of substances that cause inflammation and aid in their treatment. 60 women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) participated in a 12-week research in which consuming a high dose of omega-3s daily lessened the intensity of symptoms 6.
Regulates Cholesterol
Regulates Blood Sugar
Recent findings provided evidence that algae and its extract interventions were beneficial for the regulation of human glycolipid metabolism10. The majority of the investigations on algae derived compounds, controls the blood glucose levels through the inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes11.
Algae Omega-3s are in the form of triglycerides, which are the same form found in fish. Omega-3s from algae are on average 85% more effective than fish-based Omega-3s 12.
More Potent
Fish oil supplements contain Omega-3s in the form of ethyl esters, which are less readily absorbed. It’s an “unnatural” form, as omega-3s in nature are primarily in triglyceride or phospholipid form.
Algae-derived Omega-3s are much more sustainable and environmentally friendly, cultivated in huge indoor fermentation pools. They are free of contaminants or pesticide residues 13.
Global Overfishing
1/3 of the world’s ocean are currently overfished. 2/3 are fished to their maximum sustainable yield. Fish oil has a huge impact on marine ecosystems 14.
Unlike sheep’s wool, the extraction process makes no use of pesticides, therefore there is no danger that algae vitamin D3 has any residual pesticides. In the US alone, 42% of adults are deficient, while 50% of children aged between 1 and 5, and 70% of children aged between 6 and 11 have low vitamin D stores 15.
Vitamin D3 Deficient
The wool industry is not a gentle place. Much of the world’s lanolin comes from farms, where animals are often kept in dire conditions. To add to the pain, the barbaric procedure of Mulesing is practiced. Mulesing is where the skin is sliced from the buttocks of lambs, without painkillers, to produce a scar-free wool 16.
Algae Oil vs Fish Oil
Is it plant-based and therefore suitable for vegans or vegetarians?
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Contains omega-3 fatty acids.
Contains Vitamin D3
Contains Vitamin D3 in significant amounts.
Free of Chemicals & Pesticides
Free of contaminants, heavy metals and pesticide residues
Form of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Form of omega-3 fatty acids in each source.
Higher AbsorptionTriglycerides
Lower AbsorptionEthyl Esters
Natural Form
Way of consuming and taste factor.
Functional Food Great Taste
Pills or Capsules Bad Taste
Is it eco-friendly and sustainable?
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